Vibrant Towns of the Scenic Rim

How does a region manage its character as a whole? How can a collaborative community process direct the towns of a region to achieve vibrant public realms? Vibrant Towns of the Scenic Rim is a creative and evolving strategy to regenerate and activate small towns on the rural edge of a burgeoning city. Stage one […]

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Tamborine Mountain Village Greens

The Tamborine Mountain Village Greens is the first major project of The Vibrant Towns strategy, which is focused around the creation of vibrancy and authentic places in The Scenic Rim. Landscape and urban designs incorporated seven urban renewal areas with public realm masterplans leading to individual detailed design projects. The Main Street medians comprise of […]

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Brolga Lakes

Brolga Lakes seeks to break the pattern of unsustainable suburban growth by providing low carbon footprint homes with communal facilities for waste, water, power and food. Brolga Lakes is a village set in lakes, an ecological place connected to nature and connecting its people. Brolga Lakes seeks to reform the way we live in the edges of our cities; creating a self-supported peri-urban neighbourhood. The conservation land comprising valued wetlands, has been donated to Birdlife Australia through an enduring covenant which will revegetate adjacent cleared land to create an outstanding environmental setting and a national centre for bird research.

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Mooloolaba Town Centre

A $2 million upgrade was project managed, designed and documented in a fast-track process for Queensland’s most popular picnic spot.  The park and beachfront focus on a plaza shaped like a boat, in recognition of the town’s nautical past.  Custom furniture and signage have been designed and the project includes twelve public artworks.

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The Living Classroom, Bingara

Small towns in rural Australia are disappearing due to a lack of people and purpose. The Living Classroom is a regenerative project to bring both people and new ideas, framed around the exploration of sustainable farming for the future. The Living Classroom provides classrooms, teaching areas, bunk accommodation, productive gardens and grazing lots, and agricultural […]

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Rhoda Rushbrook Park (Gallery Walk)

Gallery Walk is the artistic gateway to scenic Tamborine Mountain. The park features a sculptural entry in the form of a bower bird nest, and sandstone play structures in the form of Flame Tree pods. A stage provides a place for celebrations. The park allows for groups to gather on their way through to the […]

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The Ecovillage at Currumbin

The Ecovillage at Currumbin was first conceptualised by John Mongard Landscape Architects (JMLA) in 1999. The concept plan, planning precincts and building/landscape codes were prepared as part of the development approval plans by JMLA in collaboration with others in 2002. The Ecovillage has become a model for sustainable development in Australia, having won over 30 […]

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Gladstone Town Centre

The City Strategy Plan envisioned a central spine with a series of lively town squares. The character of these civic interventions aims to reflect the gritty port and industry in a contemporary, artful manner. The study recommended the creation of three hubs within three precincts. The ongoing work delivered a masterplan for the main street, […]

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Bellingen Town Centre

Bellingen is a vibrant hinterland town and an emerging tourism destination. Its historic main street suffered from conflicts between the burgeoning pedestrian activity and its function as a busy state road. Community planning and design was undertaken using tents set up in the town park. Hundreds of residents participated in collaborative design for the main […]

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Halloran’s Hill Lookout Park and Interpretive Trail, Atherton

A regional park and Atherton Shire’s most scenic landmark.  A new interpretive centre has been built alongside a regional park focused on the interpretation of scarce rainforests and rich volcanic landscapes. Spectacular viewing points from stonewalled picnic shelters and a series of local public art installations feature in the park.

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