Tooradin Village Strategy Plan

A ‘Set-up Shop’ process led to an innovative village strategy plan which allowed transferable development rights for residents with environmentally sensitive wetlands. A waterfront and harbor plan led to construction of a boardwalk bridge linking both sides of the village.

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Port Office Headquarters, Brisbane

The ‘Green Star’ headquarters for the Port of Brisbane features award-winning environmental initiatives including onsite storm water recycling into swales, permeable paving and an internal rainforest atrium. The site was remediated and all fill used to create a dramatic mound of Casuarinas which encircle the precinct. Native plants feature throughout the low maintenance gardens. A […]

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Railway Street, Boonah

A town centre renewal plan for the rural centre of Boonah included ten public realm projects. Railway Street is the first improvement involving the widening of footpaths and create on attractive and shaded avenues. Custom designed furniture for the town included lighting, seating and signage.

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Roosoola Garden

“Roosoola” Garden at Mango Hill evolved over a period of twenty years, building up the layers of a romantic garden surrounded by orchards and rainforest. The garden featured in the Open Garden Scheme and contains several seasonal fruit and flower elements. The garden features an English picturesque landscape around a courtyard home.

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Innisfail Town Centre

A Town Centre Revitalisation project incorporating a boulevard, a river front park, an information centre and an art and interpretive trail. Innisfail has traditionally regarded the river as an adversity to overcome: an element bringing floods and crocodiles, rather than a superb natural setting.  A completely retrofitted town centre linked to its river has now […]

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Jerrabomberra New Town, Canberra

Despite its initial visionary plans, Canberra over time has become a low density city lacking vibrancy and mixed-use centres. It has not fulfilled the contemporary goals of a city combining work, live and play with a low carbon footprint. A series of collaborative design workshops with experts and scientists led to a strategy for an […]

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The Green Hub, Fitzgibbon Chase

Suburban development is normally distant from the landscapes that produce our food. The Green Hub recycles wasted land and creates a productive food garden in a new suburb. Orchards, bushtucker parklands as well as intensive vegetable growing areas are provided, complete with compost areas, sheds and shelters. A series of community workshops led to the […]

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Hervey Bay Villages and Piers

Community consultation ‘set-up shop’ engagements were held in each of the bayside villages in vacant shops and in parks. Four village masterplans were enacted over a period of ten years. Waterfront and streetscape improvement plans were undertaken at Torquay and Scarness, including the refurbishment of piers. In Pialba, a three- kilometer section of disused railway […]

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Caral Eco Village

Disused cane farms adjacent to a village are converted into a project for an ecovillage where work, live and play can combine in new ways. Greenways provide food gardens and communal facilities incorporate a men’s shed and a boat shed, adjacent to an infrastructure centre for the village.

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Bingara Town Strategy

The Bingara Town Strategy shows how a resourceful community can regenerate itself and become more resilient and self-sustainable in an increasingly unstable global climate and in uncertain economic times. The Bingara Town Strategy and The Living Classroom are renewal projects to clean and direct the town’s overland water, and to regenerate the commons into productive organic farming to feed the town. The Village Infill Renewal Plans are a series of Council owned lands being pro-actively developed for affordable and alternative housing options to keep and encourage people to live in Bingara. A town energy plan is gradually converting all public buildings to solar, and the town plans to build a solar array to run all power in the long term. Trade training hubs have been built to provide work and training for young people.

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